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There is an incredible diversity of intertidal ecosystems along the 5,300 miles of Maine's coastline. Sand beaches, salt marshes, rocky ledge and mud flats define the shoreline from Kittery to Calais.

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Did you know?

Maine's coastal wetlands are one of the most important environments to the people of Maine. In fact, 540,000 people or 43% of the population of Maine live in the 144 coastal towns of Maine that make up only 12% of the area of the state.

Maine's coastal wetlands support a multi-million dollar commercial and recreational lobster, clam, and fishing industry. Shoreline areas are the primary attraction to visitors and have become the single most important resource for the tourism and recreational industry in Maine.

With a total of 145,069 acres of intertidal habitat in Maine, mud flats are the most common covering 44%, rocky shores are second at 25%, 14% are salt marsh, with sand and boulder beaches comprising the fourth type.



The Maine InterTidal Zone Investigation or MITZI is a fun, virtual field trip to Maine's rocky intertidal habitat. Explore the plants and animals of the rocky shore and their community between the tides. Learn about how these organisms survive in this beautiful, but harsh environment.

This program was made possible by the support of the Maine Sea Grant College Program and the Davis Family Foundation

Maine facts provided by "Maine's Coastal Wetlands", A. Ward, 1999, Dept. of Environmental Protection. Available online at
Maine Department of Environmental Protection

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