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Asterias vulgaris-Boreal or Northern Sea
Star, note light yellow madreporite |
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Asterias forbesii-Common Sea Star, note orange madreporite
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Asterias forbesii feeding on blue mussels and barnacles |
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Asterias spp. ventral view of feeding on a blue mussel, note
gelatinous stomach encasing mussel shell |
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Asterias vulgaris exhibiting regeneration ability
with the regrowth of 3 of its arms |
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Henricia spp-Blood Star with a tortoise shell limpet |
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Henricia spp.-close up view |
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Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis-Green Sea Urchin,
note outstretched tube feet |
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Ventral view of green sea urchin, note centrally located mouth |
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Green sea urchin camoflauging with seaweed in a tide pool |
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Pholis gunnellus-rock gunnel is eel-like but has fins like
fish |
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A group of herring gulls |
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Larus argentatus-herring gull, the most common of
sea gulls seen both at the shore and inland |