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21 |
Nucella lapillus-Dog Whelk |
22 |
Modiolus modiolus-Horse Mussel with assorted hitchhikers, such
as bryozoan and Corallina officianalis |
23 |
Crepidula spp. a Common Slipper Shell on Mytilus
edulis, the
blue mussel |
24 |
Crepidula fornicata along with Golden Star Tunicate on a blue
mussel |
25 |
Anomia simplex-the Jingle Shell, on a blue mussel |
26 |
Hiatella arctica (formerly known as the genus Saxicava)-the
Arctic Rock Borer |
27 |
Ischnochiton ruber-Red Chiton |
28 |
Common periwinkle with coralline algae and pink crustose algae
growing on shell |
29 |
Tectura testudinalis- the Tortoise-shell Limpet |
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Tortoise shell limpet on pink crustose algae. (Formerly known
as the genus Acmea) |
31 |
Lacuna vincta-Chink Shell |
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Lacuna vincta-egg mass |
33 |
Semibalanus balanoides -Northern Rock Barnacle |
34 |
Barnacle with feeding appendages outstretched |
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Amphipod, unidentified species |
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Isopod, unidentified species |
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Cancer irroratus-Rock Crab |
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Carcinus maenus-Green Crab, female carrying egg mass |
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Homarus americanus -American Lobster, juvenile |