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cladophora   micro clado

During the spring and early summer months, the filamentous green algae, Cladophora spp. often coats rock surfaces. By late summer, the growing season for this species is over and it is no longer visible in the mid-intertidal area. Cladophora is a great example of how flexible seaweeds must be in order to withstand the movement of waves. The entire structure of this species is flexible. This allows it to conform to shape and contortions of incoming waves, reducing the amount of drag and the chances that it will be torn loose from the substrate.

Did you know...
Cladophora s known to increase due to elevated nutrient levels (eutrophication) and to outcompete slow-growing perennial macroalgae in shallow coastal areas causing severe shifts in algal communities and habitat changes for the plants and animals that live there.

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