In 2001, red tides were again detected and were
caused by a variety of species. In fact, one of the red tides was
formed by the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. The
interesting thing about this species is that it contains cryptophytes as endosymbionts.
The cryptophytes contain a distinct pigment composition with phycoerythrin
that can be easily distinguished from other species. This means
there is great potential for these blooms to be detected via remote sensing.
Other red tides were caused by the toxic dinoflagellates
Dinophysis and Gymnodinium.
Several people were hospitalized from eating contaminated mussels
and others experienced DSP symptoms
from being in direct contact with bloom water even though they had
not eaten shellfish. This suggests that the okadaic acids may be present in aerosols, a topic
that will need further investigation. Even though DSP was a problem
for humans, the marine life didnt appear to be impacted (>>>).
The approach was to investigate
the plankton community and the chemical and physical environment
on the same scales. Our goal: to determine what factors are responsible
when a bloom occurs and which species dominate the bloom. Offshore
and alongshore transects were performed in order to determine the
spatial extent of blooms. Moorings were also deployed to collect
a time series at one location (>>>). One advantage to having
time series data is that tidal effects can be accounted for. Sample
analysis and data processing from this trip is just beginning and
will likely lead to more questions and further investigations. We
hope that such international collaboration will continue well into
the future.