Many believe that nutrient loading -- from natural and
human-derived sources -- is responsible for Harmful
Algal Blooms (HABs). For example, excess nutrients can selectively
grow certain species of toxic
phytoplankton. Some coastal waters -- for example, those with sewage
treatment plants -- may form excess nutrients and associated algal blooms.
When these organisms die, they sink to the bottom. As they decompose,
they use up the oxygen at the bottom and adversely impact benthic (i.e.,
bottom-dwelling) organisms including lobsters and clams. Fisheries in
New York's Long Island Sound have been
disrupted by such HABs.
This activity is designed to demonstrate how adding
nutrients can affect the total water column. Although it does not
simulate true processes that happen in nature, it is a
dramatic way to help students better understand the connections between
nutrient input, phytoplankton growth, decomposition and
loss of oxygen.
- Understand which "ingredients" are needed for phytoplankton
growth and reproduction
- See how "nutrient loading" at the surface may affect benthic
- Extend learned concepts to assess the idea of "fertilizing
the oceans"
Water; 500 ml beaker or large glass vase; About 0.5
cups of light brown sugar; About 0.25 cups of corn syrup; Candy "critters"
such as "gummy lobsters,""gummy worms," "gummy
fish"; About 0.5 cups of cooking oil; About 4 tablespoons of green
granulated sugar
Note that the amount of water, brown sugar, corn syrup,
cooking oil and green sugar depend on the size of the container being
used. This experiment can also be conducted by teams of students using
smaller containers. If students do sprinkling the green sugar to get the
desired visual effects ( see photos below).
- Put a layer of brown sugar (about 0.5 inches thick) at the bottom
of a 500 ml beaker or glass vase.
- Add corn syrup until it completely covers the brown sugar. You may
need to swirl the corn syrup around to completely cover the brown sugar.
(See photo) Together these layers form your
benthic habitat. Are marine benthic habitats hard like the floor
of building? Or are they soft and gooey?
- Ask the students: "What kind of critters live in benthic habitats?"
Place a "critter" on the benthic habitat; good examles are "gummy Lobsters,"
"gummy Worms," "gummy Fish," etc. Try to place the "critter"
near the side of the glass so you can watch it as the demonstration
progresses. (See photo) If you'd like the students
to remember the term "benthic," name your gummy critter "Ben."
- Gently add cold water until it is about 3 - 4 inches deep. (See
- Air bubbles should begin to rise from this "healthy" benthic environment.
(See photo)
- Add a 1-inch layer of cooking oil, which will sit on top. (See
photo) This is a great opportunity to introduce students to the
photic zone. Ask which part of the ocean receives more sunlight:
the bottom or top? The yellow "sunlit" layer floats because of a difference
in density between the oil and water. In the oceans, which is generally
warmer: the bottom or the top? When heated, seawater volume expands
and density decreases. So, Sun-warmed surface waters can float
on top of colder, denser waters below. This leads to layering of water
-- or stratification -- by temperature. In temperate oceans,
such stratification exists only during certain times of the year (usually
spring and summer).
- Show the class the green granulated sugar. Explain that each crystal
represents two different things: nutrients and phytoplankton. In order
to grow and reproduce, phytoplankton need carbon, sunlight and
nutrients. In this demonstration, there is ample carbon dioxide
in the water and the "photic zone" is well-sunlit. So, every
"nutrient" (i.e., sugar crystal) becomes one phytoplankter
in the water column. Using GREEN SUGAR also makes it easy to remember
the following: The process of converting sunlight (i.e., light energy)
into chemical energy -- i.e., photosynthesis -- occurs
with the help of light-absorbing pigments such as chlorophyll;
In this process carbohydrates, such as sugars, are produced within
phytoplankton cells and oxygen is released.
- SLOWLY sprinkle "nutrients" into the photic zone. (See
photo) Remind the students that the growth of the phytoplankton
population is tied to nutrient availability. Discuss your observations
as a group. At first, the phytoplankton will primarily stay in the photic
zone. This represents a good balance between nutrients and sunlight.
At some point, the phytoplankton may concentrate at the bottom of the
photic zone. (See photo) This often happens
in nature, as well; discuss why this might be the case. (HINT: in marine
waters, gravity sinks nutrients below the photic zone, enriching the
waters below.)
- As you add nutrients, some phytoplankton may drop below the photic
zone. What is the fate of these phytoplankton? Do they have all the
elements that they need to grow and reproduce?
- Keep adding nutrients. After a minute or so, the continued addition
of nutrients will cause "green blobs" to sink downward. (See
photo) Ask the students: "How might phytoplankton sinking into
the benthic habitat impact critters who live there? What will happen
as these phytoplantkon decompose?"
- Soon thereafter, large air bubbles will rise from the bottom. (See
photo) Ask the students what these bubbles might represent. (These
bubbles represent the loss of oxygen from the benthic habitat as the
phytoplankton decompose.)
- After adding all the nutrients, the benthic layer will have a thick
layer of "goo." Ask the students: "If you were a filter-feeding benthic
critter, how could you survive in this 'gooey' layer?
- People have suggested that we actively "fertilize the oceans" with
nutrients to decrease the carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere.
How could critters deal with the loss of oxygen from the benthic environment?
- Another effect of excess phytoplankton (or biomass) is that there
is too much food for some filter feeders. Instead of taking in some
phytoplankton and water and filtering out the food, they are taking
in too much food and not enough water. Because it has become too difficult
to feed, the filter feeders may stop even trying to feed and starve
to death.
- Given the lessons learned in this demonstration, do your students
feel that this is a good or bad idea?
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences,
Copyright 2000