Our Route...Continued

Now let’s take a closer look at our cruise path...

The three stations that are of special interest to us are the Continental Shelf Station, the Upwelling Zone Station, and the Open Ocean Station. Each of these stations are in very different parts of the ocean. Let's learn a little more about each of these areas before we start our experiments.

Cruise Activity #1: Summarize what you learn about the three regions. A printable table is provided as a PDF file to guide your note-taking. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat or another way to view PDF files, click here to download the free software.

Temperature data courtesy of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. Ocean color data courtesy of NASA.

The map to the right gives you an indication of sea surface temperature and ocean color. The ocean color is actually primary productivity measured as amount of chlorophyll.

Use your cursor to toggle between the temperature and ocean color maps.

On the cruise track below, click on each of our three stations (Continental Shelf, Upwelling Zone and Open Ocean) to learn more about each one.

At each station, we collected water at various depths. To do this, we lowered a frame with bottles attached to it over the side of the ship. (Click here to see photos of the frame).

We then electronically closed the bottles at different depths to capture water and bring it to the surface for analysis. The blue circles on the map are places where we took water samples.

Several water samples were taken at each station. Sometimes while the samples were being taken, the ship drifted very little (see how all the blue circles are on top of each other at the Continental Shelf Station), but other times the ship drifted a lot (see how the blue circles are stretched out at the Open Ocean Station). The most drift was seen where the asterisk is on the map.

Cruise Question #1: Can you think of an explanation as to why the ship drifted so much at the station near the asterisk compared to every other station on our trip? Click on the asterisk for a hint.

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