Our open ocean station was centered at 36°50'N / 70°W in the Sargasso Sea. Although it is difficult to convey the beautiful color of open ocean water, check out the closest "paint match" by clicking here. How does this compare with colors at the Upwelling and Continental Shelf stations? What influences ocean color?
BACTERIA>> Microscopic slide shows bacteria that have been stained to reveal their DNA when viewed under ultraviolet light.
NANOPLANKTON>> Microscopic slide shows nanoplankton that have been stained to reveal their cytoplasm when viewed under blue fluorescent light.
FACScan DATA>> At right, a plot of "Fluorescence versus Size" shows cell types from one depth. Some samples had Prochlorococcus ("P") and/or Synechococcus ("S") cells. These tiny (0.6 to 1.0 micrometers) cells, undiscovered until the 1970's, are responsible for much of the photosynthesis in the world’s oceans. Some samples also had small eukaryotic cells ("E").
Compare these data with other ocean regimes: