1. Meteorology is the study of weather, particularly atmospheric conditions such as air pressure, wind speed and direction, humidity, and temperature.
  2. Several meteorological tools have been developed and implemented in weather stations. Data derived from these tools provide immediate information to identity current weather conditions and forecast future ones.








  • Installation, Part 1
    1. Prior to introducing the weather equipment to students, read all directions accompanying the equipment and become familiar with the equipment�s use.
    2. Select an area inside the classroom to mount the aneroid barometer and cloud chart
    3. Select a school ground site at which the wind vane and rain gauge can be safely installed at level positions. Use the compass to set the bearings correctly.
    4. Mount the thermometer on an exterior wall where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
    5. Store the anemometer (wind speed gauge) and sling psychrometer in the classroom, allowing for easy access for students to use outdoors.
  • Equipment Use, Part II
    1. Review teacher background information corresponding to �How is Weather Measured?,� paying particular attention to the sections on the barometer and sling psychrometer.
    2. Perform �test runs� on all the weather equipment prior to introducing it to the students.
    3. Introduce the equipment and weather station sites to the students. Arrange students in teams with specific assignments for daily weather logging, assuring that each team member has a role. To assure accuracy in equipment use (particularly with the anemometer and sling psychrometer), encourage the teams to repeat their tests and calculate average results.
  • Weather Data Sheet, Part III
    1. Reproduce the Weather Data Sheet for daily logging and place the sheets in a weather log.
    2. Use the Forecasting Chart to predict weather, noting the predicted weather in the �Comments� section of the Weather Data Sheet
    3. Compare student predictions to actual weather and discuss findings.

Assessment Ideas

  • Have students construct a timeline chart and record the weather conditions over an extended period of time. Make each student or cooperative group responsible for the chart.


  • History/Social science (use of newspaper reference): Include in the chart local news related to the weather. Try developing a weather prediction system and see how accurate you are. What other kinds of information would be useful to you?
  • Math: Have students include the calculations of both total solar energy and the angle of the sun for every day.
  • Technology: Use digital imagery and satellite images from Internet to add a larger view of the weather conditions


  • anemometer: an instrument used to measure wind speed. Commonly used is a set of 3 or 4 cups mounted to rotate the wind blows. (click here to see what one looks like)
  • aneroid barometer: a metal container in which a vacuum (container with no air) exists, used to measured air pressure. (click here to see what one looks like)
  • meteorology: the study of weather.
  • sling psychrometer: a device used to determine the dry and wet bulb temperature of the air. It consists of two thermometers mounted on a piece of metal that swings rapidly in the air for several minutes to achieve the required degree of wet bulb cooling.
  • thermometer: a probe which uses a substance like mercury to indicate heat or cold in degrees.


  • Adapted from "Winds of Change" educational CD-ROM, Copyright Caltech and NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Date:__________________ Time:________

What Do You Observe as the Current Weather Conditions?: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


wind speed  
wind direction  
relative humidity
cloud form  
air pressure  
rising / falling  
Student Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

SW To NW 30.10 to 30.20, steady Fair with little temp. change for 2 days
SW To NW 30.10 to 30.20, rising fast Fair followed by rain in 2 days
SW To NW 30.20 or above, steady Continued fair with little temp. change
SW To NW 30.20 or above, falling slowly Slowly rising temp; fair for 2 days
S To SE 30.10 to 30.20, falling slowly Rain within 24 hours
S To SE 30.10 to 30.20, falling fast Wind rising in force; rain in 12 - 24 hours
SE To NE 30.10 to 30.20, falling slowly Rain in 12 - 18 hours
SE To NE 30.10 to 30.20, falling fast Wind rising; rain within 12 hours
E To NE 30.10 or above, falling slowly Rain (snow) within 24 hours in winter
E To NE 30.10 or below, falling fast Rain (snow), wind
SE To NE 30.00 or below, falling slowly Steady rain for 1 - 2 days
SE To NE 30.00 or below, falling fast Rain and high wind clearing in 36 hours
S to SW 30.00 or below, rising slowly Clearing within a few hours then fair
S to E 29.80 or below, falling fast Severe storm imminent, clearing in 24 hrs
E to N 29.80 or below, falling fast Severe northeast gale, rain (snow)
Going to W 29.80 or below, rising fast Clearing and colder