Data on the concentrations of various greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere in recent history will be plotted by the students. They will look for trends in the data.



  • Plotting data allows us to more easily see trends in the data.
  • In the case of data taken over a period of time, graphs also make it easier to see what might occur in the future.
  • The quantities of several greenhouse gases are increasing in our atmosphere. The production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is now decreasing.


  • Raw Data (provided below)
    • Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, Mauna Loa, Hawaii in parts per million by volume (ppmv)
    • Methane Gas Concentration in parts per million by volume (ppmv)
    • CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) Production
    • Nitrous Oxide in parts per billion by volume (ppbv)
  • Pencil
  • Graph Paper
  • Ruler


  • Note that students can plot the data by hand or enter it into appropriate computer software, depending upon the desires of the teacher, equipment available, and level of the students.
  • Divide the class into small research teams and assign each one table of data.




  • Inform the students that they have been assigned a position in a research institute dealing with global climate issues. A research scientist has just given them some "raw" data regarding greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere. Within a week there will be a major international conference on global change. The data need to be presented and organized in a meaningful and useful way.
  • Greenhouse gases allow the Sun's light to pass through them to the surface of Earth, but they also absorb some of the infrared radiation from Earth's surface. This creates an effect similar to that in a greenhouse. Gases, like glass in a greenhouse, help trap heat and keep it from escaping. There is concern over whether increases in these gases are contributing to global warming. The first step in investigating this is to determine whether amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been increasing.


  1. Discuss where data come from, types of graphs available, what a trend is, and how to project a trend.
  2. For at least one table of data, have the students plot the following data points and connect them with a curve. There are four different graphs, therefore make sure that all four are assigned so that each can be discussed.
  3. Upon completion of the graph(s) have the students project the trend of the curve for another 50 years.
  4. Have each group develop a conclusion for their particular chart. Students with the same graph should get together and compare graphs for accuracy and conclusions.
  5. Ask for a spokesperson for each graph to report a majority view and a minority view (if one exists) for the data and projected trends.
  6. Discuss the role of data analysis in scientific research. How do choices in displaying data, for example as tables of data or as graphs, affect communication?


  • The graphs indicate the rising trend of several greenhouse gases, which may or may not contribute to current global warming, but which probably will if increases continue. Note however the decrease in production of CFCs because of an international agreement to reduce their production. CFCs not only are a greenhouse gas, but more significantly damage the earth's ozone layer which protects us from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet light.


  • The following is an account of one scientist's study of carbon dioxide concentrations in Earth's atmo-sphere. Students can read this as an example of how science happens and where the numbers in Table 1 came from.
  • Dr. Charles David Keeling was the geochemist at Scripps Institute of Oceanography who first studied atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the 1950s. He developed the first manometer to extract and measure CO2 in parts per million (ppm) and set up a measurement facility on Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. Air found there has been well mixed in the atmosphere and thus serves as a good example of global average air.
  • The first decade of his data showed the CO2 levels to be increasing at a rate of 1 ppm each year. After that, data showed that CO2 levels are increasing at a faster pace - about 1.5 ppm per year. In the last 40 years CO2 levels have increased form 315 ppm to 350 ppm. The trend indicates the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere will likely continue its increase.
  • The amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing in large part due to human activity. Average global temperatures are also increasing. Is there a connection? It is not totally clear yet, but those who believe there is feel that the amount of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere from human activities should be reduced.
  • Discuss with your students the types of changes that can be made to reduce CO2 emssions. What is their county, state, or country doing (if anything) to help? Have the students ask older family members or friends about the impact that reducing CFCs has had on their daily lives. Do they feel changing their lifestyle or spending habits to help reduce CO2 is worthwhile?


  • chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): man-made substances used as coolant and computer-chip cleaner, which have been shown to destroy stratospheric ozone when they break down.
  • global warming: increase in average global temperature. Some of the increases are due to build-up of gases such as CO2 , NO2, and chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere as a result of industrialization.
  • greenhouse gas: atmospheric gas (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane) that absorb energy radiated from Earth's surface.
  • manometer: an instrument for measuring the pressure of gases and vapors.


  • From "Visit to an Ocean Planet" educational CD-ROM, Copyright Caltech and NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Adapted from Global Climate-Past, Present, and Future, S. Henderson et al. (Eds.), Environmental Protection Agency Report No. EPA/600/R126, pp. 77-89.
Year Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, Mauna Loa, Hawaii in parts per million by volume (ppmv)
1958 314.8
1959 316.1
1960 317.0
1961 317.7
1962 318.6
1963 319.1
1964 319.4
1965 320.4
1966 321.1
1967 322.0
1968 322.8
1969 324.2
1970 325.5
1971 326.5
1972 327.6
1973 329.8
1974 330.4
1975 331.0
1976 332.1
1977 333.6
1978 335.2
1979 336.5
1980 338.4
1981 339.5
1982 340.8
1983 342.8
1984 344.3
1985 345.7
1986 346.9
1987 348.6
1988 351.2
Year Methane Gas Concentration in parts per million by volume (ppmv) [Gaps in the record between 1958-1975]
1850 0.90
1879 0.93
1880 0.90
1892 0.88
1908 1.00
1917 1.00
1918 1.02
1927 1.03
1929 1.13
1940 1.12
1949 1.18
1950 1.20
1955 1.26
1956 1.30
1957 1.34
1958 1.35
1975 1.45
1976 1.47
1977 1.50
1978 1.52
1979 1.55
1980 1.56
1981 1.58
1982 1.60
1983 1.60
1984 1.61
1985 1.62
1986 1.63
1987 1.65
1988 1.67
1989 1.69
1990 1.72

CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) Production

  • CFCs include the manufactured gas combinations of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. These gases were not present in Earth's atmosphere until the 1930šs.
  • Values are in kilotons per year.
1955 100
1957 120
1959 140
1961 150
1963 150
1965 200
1967 225
1969 290
1971 320
1973 375
1975 350
1977 360
1979 330
1981 325
1983 320
1985 340
1987 300
1989 305
1991 310
Year Nitrous Oxide in parts per billion by volume (ppbv)
1750 283.0
1760 283.5
1770 284.0
1780 284.5
1790 285.5
1800 285.0
1810 286.0
1820 286.5
1830 287.0
1840 287.5
1850 288.0
1860 288.5
1870 289.0
1880 289.5
1890 290.0
1900 291.0
1910 292.0
1920 292.5
1930 293.0
1940 294.0
1950 295.0
1960 297.0
1970 299.0
1980 305.0
1990 310.0