Happily, we had clear weather continental shelf station at Wilkinson Basin (Gulf of Maine). We saw many types of birds, especially gulls and petrels (>>). Dolphins and seals were spotted (above), much to everyone's excitement.
Although sparser than the "Upwelling Station" net tow, this station had many species. Two types of Ceratium (a dinoflagellate) were observed; these are the triangular and "bow-shaped" organisms. "Needle-like" Rhizosolenia were the dominant diatom (>>).
The continental shelf plankton tow also had a few "hockey puck" shaped diatoms called Coscinodiscus. Many copepods, zooplankton that are common in the world's oceans, were present at this station. The brown masses are fecal pellets.
In addition to adults, Copepod nauplii were commonly observed (above, middle). A few Veliger, "blob-like" larval bivalves, were also seen (>>).